The Multimedia category showcases a dynamic collection of visual storytelling that goes beyond traditional photography. Here, you will find engaging video projects, audio narratives, and interactive content that capture the essence of diverse subjects and experiences. Each piece is crafted to provide a deeper understanding of the stories behind the images, highlighting the intersection of art and journalism. Explore this category to experience powerful narratives that resonate on multiple levels.

Boden Burnout
Um die Böden der Erde zu retten – und damit uns selbst –
müssen wir unsere Landwirtschaft radikal ändern.
Eine Multimedia Geschichte in 4 Kapiteln von Marius Münstermann und Christian Werner

Black Death
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Plague, Yersinia pestis, Scourge of God, or the Black Death - the plague has many names. It is known if at all, from the history books. Plague is a disease with a long history. Especially in the Middle Ages numerous plague epidemics carried large parts of the European population off, so that the infectious disease was referred to as "Black Death". More recently, the plague is largely eradicated in most parts of the globe due to improved hygienic conditions and better medical care. But in Africa, Russia, Asia and as well in the U.S. in the past centuries there have been outbreaks of the disease. 2013 - Madagascar is once again before an epidemic of plague. Non- profit organizations such as the Pasteur Institute and the Red Cross say that the very poor population of the island, which comprises the largest part, is most at risk .Due to lack of hygiene and education a disaster is inevitable. Madagascar has recorded 256 cases of plague and 60 resulting deaths last year - the world's highest recorded number in the last century. The disease encounters favorable conditions by the poverty and the low level of hygiene in most parts of Madagascar. An annual average of 500 cases have been recorded since 2009. The rainy season from October to August is the peak of the infection. The wet weather makes the flea population explode, which transmit the bubonic plague of rats and other animals, to humans. If the disease is not treated, as the last stage it can develop to pneumonic plague. This is highly infectious, it is transmitted by aerosol droplet infection from person to person. Only an early detection prevents death. Although the disease can be cured with antibiotics, the inhabitants of rural areas are often ashamed to seek treatmentor do not have the access to basic health care. As an initial measure they consult traditional healers, trying to heal them with burl wood, saliva and spells. Experts say that Africa - especially Madagascar has more than 90% of plague cases worldwide.

Die Glimmer-Kinder
Sie arbeiten in Indiens Minen für Make-Up und Autolack. Und manchmal sterben sie dabei.
Eine Visual Story von Marius Münstermann und Christian Werner

Die Spur der toten Kinder
German only: Uranium ammunition – that means "DU", depleted uranium. It is uranium with a lower content of the fissile isotope U-235 than natural uranium. Most depleted uranium arises as a byproduct of the production of enriched uranium for use in nuclear reactors and in the manufacture of nuclear weapons. Who remembers the Iraq war? The country was bombed in 2003. During the three weeks of bombardment, thousand tons of uranium ammunition dropped on cities like Basra and Fallujah and their inhabitants. Damaged but still radiating tanks are standing at the radial roads and testify to the bombardment during the gulf wars. Now, the wrecks and ruins are playgrounds for children, the population uses the contaminated scrap metal and collects souvenirs of the war. The war is over but many people come into contact with the radioactive material – and they contract leukemia. In addition to Iraq, the uranium ammunition was used in the Indian-Pakistani frontier conflict, in Chechnya, during the Soviet intervention in Afghanistan, in the wars in Bosnia and Kosovo. Thousand tons of uranium ammunition have been used recently. Military uses include defensive armor plating and armor-piercing projectiles. The use of DU in munitions is controversial because of questions about potential long-term health effects. It is weakly radioactive and remains so because of its long radioactive half-life. The aerosol or spallation frangible powder produced during impact and combustion of depleted uranium munitions can potentially contaminate wide areas around the impact sites, leading to possible inhalation by human beings. After the Gulf War, the cancer quota rises and a high number of cases of congenital abnormalities was detected. Every day, children are born, who have two heads, no eyes, a spina bifida, palatine clefts or missing arms and legs. The disastrous effects are now visible, but reports and surveys about the consequences are still missing.

Die vergiftete Insel
Der Bergbau auf Marinduque hat die Natur zerstört und die Menschen krank gemacht. Nun wehren sich die Opfer: Die kleine Insel will den größten Goldkonzern der Welt verklagen.
​Eine Visual Story von Marius Münstermann und Christian Werner